Below are some typical speech and language norms
By 12 months your baby should be able to;
Combine sounds and gestures eg points to something and makes a sound combination "ahha"
Start using single words ; e.g. mum, dad, cat, car, more, go
Understand simple commands e.g " no"
Understand the names of familiar objects or people
Try to make familiar sounds eg animal/car sounds
By the age of TWO your toddler should be able to;
Name simple body parts
Listen to stories and name pictures
Understand simple sentences e.g " where's your hat?"
Use more than 50 words
Beginning to use two word combinations eg "milk gone", "no car", "mum fast"
Sing simple songs
Use some pronouns instead of names eg "he", "it"
By the age of THREE, your child should be able to;
Recognize their own needs, eg "hunger"
Follow directions
Use 3-4 word sentences eg " mummy juice all gone", " I get my car", "big truck goes fast"
Begin to use basic grammar
Asks lots of questions
Be understood by familiar adults
/p/ /m/ /h/ /n/ /w/ /b/ /d/ /t/ /y/
/k/ /g/ /f/ /s/ /z/ /sh/ /ch/ /j/
/l/ /s/ blends ( sp, sm, st, sn, sw, sk)
/r/, other blend sounds (bl, gl, fl, sl, pl, cl, br, gr, tr, dr, fr, pr, cr, tw, kw, spr, scr, spl, str, skw)
(please click the link to view common phonological processes)
By the age of FOUR, your child should be able to;
Understand shape and colour names
Understand some "time" words e.g. "lunchtime", "today"
Ask who, what and why questions
Use 4-5 word sentences
Use correct grammar with occasional mistakes e.g " she falled down"
Be understood by most people